
„Expand your opportunities as you expand your gas by making the energy accessible“:
Depending on system design, the by-pass connected turbine is able to take over a part or all of the expansion work from the existing and remaining gas pressure regulation station.

This power supply is useful not only for the customer but also for the environment and it is an important contribution to the implemantation of the climatic  protection goals all over the world.

“ Great things are not done by impulses, but by a series of small things brought together, and they are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed.“

– Vincent Van Gogh

The latent and unused energy potential of the expansion plant can be converted by thermodynamic process in the turbine of a direct coupled generator into electric and refrigeration energy.

Surplus thermal waste energy from a CHP or distributed heat can be utilized to pre-heat the gas.

* Feeding the main power grid (self supply)
* Supply of the emergency power line (UPS)
* Reduction of peak load
* Utilization of the refrigration energy for process cooling and air-conditioning systems
*Reuse of surplus heat